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iPhone Apps - Time Planning with Plan App

Skelbimo nr. 157006, įdėtas 2011-05-16 · Perskaitė: 531

iPhone Apps - Time Planning with Plan App

Let’s spend time planning, not creating new events, tasks, or other items.

It's a great tool for a multitude of people who need to see all built-in calendar events in Task List view (therefore Google Calendar, MobileMe, Microsoft Exchange, Yahoo!, AOL, etc.)

+ All events are presented in one simple view
+ Register events by swipe
+ Move events in one drag-and-drop
+ Easy toggle between days
+ One tap to edit an event
+ The tool attempts to guess the time of an event
+ When an event is checked, its name is changed to ‘Done Event_Name’ in the built-in calendar, and it is removed from the list.
+ Integrated with the built-in iPhone calendar, compatible with Google Calendar, MobileMe, Microsoft Exchange, Outlook, Yahoo!, etc.
+ Event synchronization between iOS devices and Google Calendar, Microsoft Exchange.
+ Multi-Calendar support

Special Feature for Google Calendar Users, you can manage your events also on the web -
We’ve looked at all calendar and task managers and left only the items we actually use in our everyday lives.

We’ve done our best so you could forget about big notebooks and calendars on the walls.

Developed by Seven Arts:

iPhone Apps - Time Planning with Plan App skelbimai

Kiti skelbimai iš kategorijos "Mobilieji telefonai"
ismanusIšmanus tel. S21 Ultra+ 5G
kompiuteriuSkubus kompiuterių ir telefonų remontas ir tvarkymas
mobiliujuSkubus kompiuterių ir telefonų remontas ir tvarkymas
 Loterija ir viskas ką reikia žinoti
 Žaidimai ir pramogos
 Žaisk jau dabar
 Nepraleisk progos laimėti
 Nepraleisk progos žaisti
 Geriausi žaidimai
 Laimingas žaidimas


Autorius: Seven Arts
Miestas: Vilnius
Telefonas: 861066288
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  • Skelbimas įdėtas: 2011-05-16
  • Galioja: neribotai


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